Jewish Tribulation and eventual Joy!


Bill Shadis: “Chosen” as in Chosen People does not mean favoured, protected, or softly-treated. It’s more like being chosen by your Commander to be in the first group to attack a dozen Nazi machine gun nests. It’s both an honour and a curse. People who think that being “chosen by God” is like a free pass to Easy Street are sadly deluded.



All Jews who have seen through the terrible suffering of the last 2000 years; and have seen the summary of Malachi; and the promises and prophecy in Isa. etc.; and have realized the Truth of God’s Word and promises to them; know the Truth, (see: Jer. 35)!

When Zech.12:10 is in fruition; they will have full realisation, and a joyful future, as “a Kingdom of priests unto Him”!

They will also know their True Messiah; and some will already be members of His Body!

See: Jewish Messiah and Israel  (Study) 

Jewish Believers;   (Messianic Association) 


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